Changelog for Articles. Articles 1.7.13 =============================== - Fix the tag filtering with integer values [#137] - Warn users about unsaved changes only if there are actual unsaved changes [issue #53] Articles 1.7.12 =============================== - Fixes an issue where the Articles RSS URL would return the error page - Adds the possibility to set the summary (introtext) for the Articles container [#142] - Fixes a bug where the setting `Group By Year Chunk` had no effect [#122] - Update French translations [#121] Articles 1.7.11 =============================== - Updated view/close buttons to work correctly with the overriding Articles 1.7.10 =============================== - Fixes bug: TVs were not getting parsed into Latest Articles Chunk - Fixes View and Close buttons - Updated getPage to 1.2.4 - Fixed showing TVs below content Articles 1.7.9 =============================== - Add setting for default published status of new article - Updated getlist to be multibyte safe and article update getButtons override change - 2.3 Fixes Articles 1.7.8 =============================== - #92 Fix Articles save on update in Revolution 2.3 Articles 1.7.7 =============================== - #90 Fix Articles in Revolution 2.3 - #87 Implement compatibility for ContentBlocks (v1.1) Articles 1.7.6 =============================== - #50 Conditionally load classes in controller - #68 Fix False Positive on Confirm Navigation warning - #64 Remove static html code from page.nav placeholder - #62 Allow number at start of tag to be treated still as tag (@jasonbird) - Update getResources to 1.6.1 Articles 1.7.5 =============================== - #54 Fix RSS Feeds (Revert PR #15,#25) Articles 1.7.4 =============================== - Add support for disabled cache_alias_map Articles 1.7.3 =============================== - Change package name from Articles to articles for xPDO compatibility Articles 1.7.2 =============================== - Rebuilt tagging component. Thanks to Jan Peca (TheBoxer) Articles 1.7.1 =============================== - #20 Improve RTE on Create Stability - #24 Fix pasting predefined comma separated tags in tags field Articles 1.7.0 =============================== - #14 Long anticipated type ahead for tags (uses superboxselect thanks to TheBoxer) Articles 1.6.9 =============================== - #14 Ensure Package Provider is always correct when installing subpackages - thanks to Bob Ray - #16 Fix post to Twitter - thanks to mintnl - #7 Fix No RTE on Create w/ TinyMCE - Fixed sorting articles in grid - thanks to TheBoxer Articles 1.6.8 =============================== - Fix Broken Preview URLs after initial save (Issue 9) Articles 1.6.7 =============================== - Fix Empty Checkbox being unticked on Article Save (Issue 8) Articles 1.6.6 =============================== - Set depth to 0 when looking for Article Container children - added Clear Cache checkbox to Article Publishing Information panel - Fixed right click Article Container > Write New links bug - Fix default template on Article Import (from MODX Resources) - removed Rich Text setting from Article Container - added 'Editing Options' panel with Rich Text option - Rich Text is now managed on the Article level - Add check to only search the alias map if it's an array - Lexicon updates - Updated Quip to 2.3.3-pl Articles 1.6.5 =============================== - Add in includeContent param to getResources call in post listing if introtext is empty - Fix wrong signature after getResources update to 1.6.0-pl - Add Italian translation - Use MODX.loadPage instead of direct location changes - [#8344] Fixed Template combos only show ID and not name with many templates Articles 1.6.4 =============================== - Update getResources to 1.6.0-pl - [#9508] System Settings added for controlling date and time format for list view in manager. - Add Comment Sort Direction option Articles 1.6.3 =============================== - Enable tag filtering in RSS - Update Quip to 2.3.2-pl - Update Archivist to 1.2.4-pl - [#8443] Add Other properties setting for Latest Posts widget Articles 1.6.2 =============================== - Fix RSS item URLs for sites with non-root site URLs - Fix issues with package management for subpackages when zips are not found - [#8194] Add ability to change createdby for Articles for users with publish ability - Update German/Dutch translations - Update getPage to 1.2.3-pl - Update getResources to 1.5.0-pl - Future-proofing for MODX 2.3 Articles 1.6.1 =============================== - Update Quip to 2.3.1-pl - Update Archivist to 1.2.3-pl Articles 1.6.0 =============================== - [#6373] Add ability to control the structure of the URLs generated for articles - [#7560] Fix issue with Quip during installs - [#7544] Fix issues with friendly_urls setting Articles 1.5.1 =============================== - Update Quip to 2.3.0-pl - Update tagLister to 1.1.7-pl - [#7559] Display ID of Article in articles grid - [#7550] Fix JS issue with Create New Article button Articles 1.5.0 =============================== - [#7313] Ensure that the archive URI is always set prior to notifications during a publishing event - [#7419] Add ability to duplicate single Articles - [#7517] Add ability to duplicate Articles Container - Deprecate custom DB fields to use new properties field on modResource Articles 1.4.7 =============================== - [#7069] Add articles.article_show_longtitle setting for toggling on/off the longtitle field when editing Articles - [#7057] Fix issue with RTEs and updating an Article Articles 1.4.6 =============================== - Fix issue with Articles snippet and $this reference Articles 1.4.5 =============================== - [#6832],[#6697],[#6596] Remove 255 char limit from Article summary field, remove 100 char tags field limit Articles 1.4.4 =============================== - [#6641] Add option to turn off richtext editing for Articles in a Container - [#6897] Add offset as option to latest posts display - [#6639] Add option to change default sorting for Articles in mgr container grid - [#7001] Fix issue where disabling comments prevented other placeholders from displaying - [#6980] Fix issue with fallback Twitter feed tpl - [#6850] Enable multiple Articles snippet calls per page - [#6625] Add in longtitle for Container in General Settings - Fix issue where changing template settings did not activate save btn - Add German, Russian, Czech translations - [#6626] Improve pub-date checking on WordPress import - [#6601] Fix template variables tab showing when creating a new article - [#6966] Fix issue with non-web contexts - Update Quip to 2.2.0-pl Articles 1.4.3 =============================== - [#6553] Fix issue with build where snippets were set as chunks - Update tagLister to 1.1.5 Articles 1.4.2 =============================== - Add Articles snippet for easy displaying of articles anywhere on site - [#6534] Add confirmation for delete article in grid - [#6535] Fix issue with incorrect include reference for update services - [#6535] Fix issue with url generation for twitter posting on first save - [#6542] Fix right-click edit article from grid issue Articles 1.4.1 =============================== - Add in container calls to each Article to allow sidebars - [#6471] Fix issue with MODX import when no TV value is set yet TV is set to import - [#6490] Fix missing