Changelog for getResources. getResources 1.6.1-pl (December 30, 2013) ==================================== - Allow tvFilter values to contain filter operators - Allow 0-based idx - Pass scriptProperties to wrapperTpl - [#30][#80] Only dump properties for invalid tpl when debug enabled getResources 1.6.0-pl (February 19, 2013) ==================================== - Add tplWrapper for specifying a wrapper template getResources 1.5.1-pl (August 23, 2012) ==================================== - Add tplOperator property to default properties - [#73] Add between tplOperator to conditionalTpls getResources 1.5.0-pl (June 15, 2012) ==================================== - [#58] Add tplCondition/conditionalTpls support - [#67] Add odd property - [#60] Allow custom delimiters for tvFilters - [#63] Give tplFirst/tplLast precedence over tpl_X/tpl_nX - Automatically prepare TV values for media-source dependent TVs getResources 1.4.2-pl (December 9, 2011) ==================================== - [#25] Add new operators to tvFilters - [#37] Consider default values with tvFilters - [#57] Fix tpl overrides and improve order getResources 1.4.1-pl (December 8, 2011) ==================================== - [#57] Add support for factor-based tpls - [#54], [#55] Fix processTVList feature getResources 1.4.0-pl (September 21, 2011) ==================================== - [#50] Use children of parents from other contexts - [#45] Add dbCacheFlag to control db caching of getCollection, default to false - [#49] Allow comma-delimited list of TV names as includeTVList or processTVList getResources 1.3.1-pl (July 14, 2011) ==================================== - [#43] Allow 0 as idx property - [#9] Fix tvFilters grouping - [#46] Fix criteria issue with &resources property getResources 1.3.0-pl (March 28, 2011) ==================================== - [#33] sortbyTVType: Allow numeric and datetime TV sorting via SQL CAST() - [#24] Fix typos in list property options - [#4] Support multiple sortby fields via JSON object - Use get() instead to toArray() if includeContent is false - [#22] Add &toSeparatePlaceholders property for splitting output getResources 1.2.2-pl (October 18, 2010) ==================================== - [#19] Fix sortbyTV returning duplicate rows getResources 1.2.1-pl (October 11, 2010) ==================================== - Remove inadvertent call to modX::setLogTarget('ECHO') getResources 1.2.0-pl (September 25, 2010) ==================================== - Fix error when &parents is not set - Allow empty &sortby - Add ability to sort by a single Template Variable value (or default value) getResources 1.1.0-pl (July 30, 2010) ==================================== - Added &toPlaceholder property for assigning results to a placeholder - Added &resources property for including/excluding specific resources - Added &showDeleted property - Allow multiple contexts to be passed into &context - Added &showUnpublish property - Added getresources.core_path reference for easier development - [#ADDON-135] Make output separator configurable via outputSeparator property - Add where property to allow ad hoc criteria in JSON format getResources 1.0.0-ga (December 29, 2009) ==================================== - [#ADDON-81] Allow empty tvPrefix property. - [#ADDON-89] Allow parents property to have a value of 0. - Changed default value of sortbyAlias to empty string and added sortbyEscaped property with default of 0. - Added changelog, license, and readme.