Changelog for MIGX. MIGX 2.13.0 ============== add snippet migxGetObject and property toPlaceholders add property createChunk to create a chunk with all possible placeholders Fix imageupload on PHP7 due to stray break statement Fix for missing custom prefix in some packagemanager tasks Updated image paths to use dynamic assets path Fix the export if a join setting exist Finnish Translation add userid to migxResourceMediapath snippet remove duplicate sort scriptProperty in export.php [getlist.php] add getcustomconfigs - hook, groupby, selectfields, specialfields parse MODX-tags in field-configs packagemanager fix new folder permission Use a textarea instead of an input in MIGX TV Reduce indexed varchar fields for utf8mb4 support in mysql fix duplicate entries in csv-export Add CSV Import functionality Improve CSV Export functionality add toJson property to migxLoopCollection Fix transparency in .png in renderimage column renderer MIGX 2.12.0 ============== select db-fields from defined class and its joins for formtabs and columns add categories and a category-filter to MIGX Configs multiple grouping-levels for &groupingField hooksnippet getformnames add snippet migxAutoPublish for publishing by Cronjobs add beforesave - hook to update-processor allow string in where-property add a default schema-template, used at create package and some bugfixes MIGX 2.11.0 ============== groupingfield, preparesnippet, _total, _count, improve @CODE hooksnippet beforecreateform MIGX 2.10.0 ============== hooksnippet getcustomconfigs for importcsvmigx support layout-rows/columns in formtabs contextmenu 'flat formtabs' multiupload to db, resizeOnUpload - plugin [packagemanager] Add Extension Package - feature respect joinalias in export.php and handlepositionselector.php possible to use TV-value in migxresourcemediapath - snippet [getImageList] inherit_children_tvname MIGXdb add item before/after MIGX 2.9.7 ============== add emtpyTpl fix some MIGX-grid width - issues import csv to MIGX MIGX 2.9.6 ============== hooksnippet getcustomconfigs for export-processor fix missing formtabs after saving MIGX 2.9.5 ============== column-actionbuttons also for MIGX export/import MIGX-items from/into MIGX-TV get tinymcewrapper working more config-options for combo-filter Fix and simplify Redactor implementation to use MODx.loadRTE() MIGX 2.9.4 ============== [migxResourcemediapath] add context_key as path option button for 'alter fields from schema' fix MIGX-grid width custom grid for MIGX-TV respect context-default-media-source - setting MIGX 2.9.3 ============== basic support for new TinyMCE RTE fix assetsUrl/connectorUrl - settings MIGX-TV MODX multifile-uploader/autocreate items MIGX-TV configurable contextmenues MIGX 2.9.2 ============== some smaller fixes MIGX 2.9.1 ============== add hook-snippet setting some handleRelated - update - functions destroy updatewindow on close MIGX 2.9 ============== [migxLoopCollection] allow use of foreign database Sottwell's improvements on migxresourcemediapath new snippet: migxGetCollectionTree access to foreign database from default processors improvements on multiple formtabs make inline-editing for MIGX - grid possible option to add MIGX-items directly without modal listbox-cell-editor movetotop,movetobottom - buttons for MIGX-grid cell-editing for MIgXdb - grids option to add MIGXdb-items directly without modal [getImageList] &inheritFrom - inherit MIGX-items from parents or other resources some migxredactor - fixes MIGX 2.8.1 ============== lets disable the 'Add Item' - button new configs gridperpage and sortconfig wrapperTpl for getImageList and migxLoopCollection MIGX 2.8.0 ============== resolve tables on install render cross, also when empty string reusable activaterelations - processors [migxLoopCollection] tpl_nN [#154] clean TV-value, if no MIGX-items additional db-storage of formtabs and fields get menue working in MODX 2.3 improve description_is_code MIGX 2.6.8 ============== some other small fixes restrictive condition by processed MIGX-tags for formfields Filter-Button for Reset all filters to default-value extend date-filter make cmp main caption translatable Migx::prepareJoins - optional rightjoin MIGX 2.6.7 ============== add date - filter add handlepositionselector - processor add snippet exportmigx2db MIGX 2.6.6 ============== fixes only MIGX 2.6.5 ============== fixes only MIGX 2.6.4 ============== [redactor-field] get and use file-properties from a redactor-inputTV add renderImageFromHtml - renderer MIGX 2.6.3 ============== configurable redactor-field with configs-configuration, make redactor work in MIGXdb - CMP MIGX 2.6.2 ============== fix issue with imported configs-field, if not an array MIGX 2.6.1 ============== Make Formfields translatable MIGX 2.6 ============== [getImageList] output inner arrays as json-string added polish translation [getImageList] splits, build summaries make grid-columns translatable, let user add custom-lexicons from custom php-config-files MIGX 2.5.11 ============== add simple MIGXdb - validation (only required for now) some fixes MIGX 2.5.9 ============== let us create new indexes, with altered field-def from schema optimize input-option-values-handling, see: MIGX 2.5.8 ============== Added 'showScreenshot' (big image in popup) Added template-field for direct template-input for renderChunk Added position - selector for new MIGX - items Fix for not removed rte-editors when using formswitcher send current store-params to iframe-window MIGX 2.5.6 ============== Add support for the Redactor editor some work on multiuploader for MIGXdb more eNotice - fixes MIGX 2.5.2 ============== read input-options into MIGX-TV respect filter in default - export.php fix for empty value in TV - configs not loading renderers etc. fix changed processaction-param after export2csv stopEvent() by onClick - event MIGX 2.5.1 ============== fix bug with renderChunk - renderer MIGX 2.5 ============== get different rtes working - support for tinymce, ckeditor some settings for MIGXfe cs - lexicons, some eNotice - fixes fix with to big integers on TV-id (set phptype to string) limit MIGX-record-count MIGX 2.4.2 ============== columnButtons for the migx - grid little form-layout-mods added the option to have the first formtab outside the other tabs above of them. added the option to use the TV-description-field as parsed code-areas in the formtabs, modx-tags are parsed there - snippets, chunks, output-filters can be used there. All fields of the record can be used as placeholders. migxupdate for MIGXfe default-values for MIGXdb-filters update co_id in iframe-window add a searchbox to MIGX-Configurator read configs directly from exported configs-files from custom-packages - directory by using configname:packagename - configs MIGX 2.4.1 ============== some new snippets: getDayliMIGXrecord migxgetrelations added beta treecombo-filter-option for example to filter resources in MIGXdb by resourcetree add window-title configuration, make window-caption dynamic (its possible to use placeholders now) hide tabs in form, when only one tab added selectposition - renderer MIGX 2.4.0 ============== new renderer - switchStatusOptions new renderer - renderChunk getImageList - added 'contains' and 'snippet' - where-filters add duplicate-contextmenue to MIGXdb new property for getImageList: &reverse give TVs in each CMP-tab a unique id refresh grid after closing iframe-window added tpl_n{n} tplFirst tplLast tpl_n tpl_oneresult properties to getImageList export jsonarray-fields as separate fields in csv-export alias, breadcrumb and ultimateparent for migxREsourceMediaPath Added TV - description - field to configuration MIGX 2.3.1 ============== some eNotice - error - fixes add type - configuration to gridcolumns, now its possible to sort also numeric on the MIGX - grid: see MIGX 2.3.0 ============== add multifile - uploader, upload to MIGX - mediasource add load from mediasource - button to MIGX add migxResourcePath - snippet add iframe - support - its now possible to create chunks with snippet-calls and show the result in an iframe-window. used by multifile-uploader. MIGX 2.2.3 ============== confirmation before overriding schema-files some additions for childresources-management by MIGXdb switch between multiple forms - configurations add renderDate - renderer , thanks to Jako additional send all store-baseParams when opening the form-window. This way we can have different forms depending on filters for example. add parent-property for dynamic filter-comboboxes add getliste-where for default getlist-processor export formtabs as clean json in editraw-mode MIGX 2.2.2 ============== add migxLoopCollection-snippet move prepareJoins into a migx-method confirmation before remove db-record, getcombo did not use idfield allow empty prefix add possibility to use tables without 'deleted' - field and default-getlist-processor fix Call-time pass-by-reference errors get tinyMCE to work on richtext-TV-inputs in MIGXdb - CMPs fix prefix not sended to writeSchema grid add cls 'main-wrapper' to give it a bit padding, thanks to jako MIGX 2.2.0 ============== export/import configuration-objects as json to/from files in custom-package-directories new configs: getlist - defaultsort, joins, gridload_mode (by button, auto) grid-smarty-template now can be also in custom-package-directories reworked handling of joined objects in default update-php add connected_object_id baseparam to migx-grid added snippet migxLoopCollection MIGX 2.1.1 ============== fix for migx-snippet not working with multiple calls on one page resource_id as script-property for getlist-processor when used with migx-snippet MIGX 2.1.0 ============== add &sort to the getImageList - snippet add new snippet 'migx' to get items from db-tables, can use the same configurations and getList - processors as the MIGXdb - manager make it possible to have config-files for grids and processors in another package-folder for easier packaging together custom - packages more MIGXdb - configurations MIGX 2.0.1 ============== more E_NOTICE - Error - fixes Fix Missing Add - Item - Replacement - String MIGX 2.0.0 ============== - pl fix for Revo 2.2.2 fix some E_NOTICE - errors - new in beta5 Configure multiple CMP - tabs packagemanager ported to extjs - tab added MIGX-setup/upgrade - tab added configurable text and combo - filterboxes - new in beta3 This is a preview-version of MIGXdb MIGXdb can now also be used as configurable CMP MIGX - configurator for tabs, columns, MIGXdb-TV and MIGXdb-CMP Package-manager, create and edit schemas and package-tables - new: better compatibility with revo 2.2 working with mediasources introduced MIGXdb MIGX 1.2.0 ============== - new: merge scriptProperties to Placeholders basic compatibility for modx 2.2 autoinc-field: MIGX_id autoResourceFolders - functionality, autoCreate directory for each resource - fixed: url-TV support context-based base_path issues remove remaining [] remove Tiny-instances when switching form enter on textarea closes window fireResourceFormChange for drag,remove,duplicate MIGX 1.1.0 ============== - new: &docidVarKey &processTVs - fixed: context-filepath-issue MIGX 1.0.0 ============== - Initial release.