Changelog for Quip. Quip 2.3.4 - [#5] Fixes a bug were replying to some post, displayed post parents did not contained data - Fix various database/schema related issues Quip 2.3.3 ====================================== - [#9323] Better sanitization of POST values in ThreadReply Quip 2.3.2 ====================================== - [#8367] Better respecting of Context Settings in setting references - [#8368] Enable usage of MODX tags in email tpls - [#8127] Fix latest comments bug due to fix in [#7660] (gh#64) Quip 2.3.1 ====================================== - Added Japanese translation - Added Czech translation - Added Dutch translation - [#7298] Fix bug where backtick is not escaped in comments - [#7372] Fix bug in unsubscribe notifications - [#7660] Fix E_NOTICE error in QuipLatestComments snippet - [#3520] Fix issue with parents property in Quip snippet Quip 2.3.0 ====================================== - [#6997] Add ability for all users (authed or not) to unsubscribe from the thread via email link - [#6961] Add ability to manage subscriptions to a thread from the manager - [#7208] Fix warning of zero division in pagination Quip 2.2.0 ====================================== - MODX Revo 2.2 support - [#6035] Fix issues with disabling automatic link parsing - [#5364] Fix insert issue for sqlsrv installations - [#6064] Fix issues with unapproved comments displaying on complex threads - [#6468] Fix issues with bulk actions on grids - Fix issue with removing a thread directly - Add search to Quip threads grid - Better handling of other context comments - [#6086] Fix issue where remove thread was not available - [#6249] Fix issue with moderation of comments always moderated on FE Quip 2.1.2 ====================================== - [#4395] Fix issue with improper name in mail_sender for emails - [#4346] Fix issues with loading reCaptcha when not logged in Quip 2.1.1 ====================================== - [#5650] Fix issue with moderated comments in certain edge situations Quip 2.1.0 ====================================== - [#4356] Add &redirectTo and &redirectToUrl parameters to QuipReply for custom redirection after posting - [#5644] Fix issue with 2.1.0-rc1 that prevented new threads from being created - Refactor Quip to be OOP, implement 'controller' classes, request handler - Add over 30 unit tests and 85 test assertions to Quip - Add generated API docs to build - [#5608] Fix issue where QuipLatestComments was not respecting approved status when &family was used Quip 2.0.4 ====================================== - [#4998] Fix bug with QuipLatestComments and family filter type - [#5032] Fix issue with permissions on comments and removal - [#5033] Ensure author is set on new comments - [#5143] Ensure autoConvertLinks is respected in a post - [#5144] Fix issue with double quotes in a tags in the comment body - [#4805] Fix issue with depth_margin in default comment tpl - Abstract resolver SQL - [#4878] Fix issue with sqlsrv ints and bits in schema Quip 2.0.3 ====================================== - [#4823] Fix issue with sqlsrv schema and installs Quip 2.0.2 ====================================== - [#4673], [#4596] Fix issue of 2.1 compatibility due to nested placeholder issue - [#4492] Add sanity check for contexts without load permission Quip 2.0.1 ====================================== - [#4063] Add unsubscribe option for logged-in users who have subscribed to a thread Quip 2.0.0 ====================================== - Add extraAutoLinksAttributes property for specifying attributes to add to auto-converted links - Add rel-nofollow to any links parsed in comments - Add sqlsrv support for Revolution 2.1+ installs - [#4124] Add fix for threads that have complex names - [#3519] Add pre and post Hooks to Quip - [#3523] Add field-specific error messages, ensure validation of those fields happens on first submit - [#3518] Enable one-click post options bypassing preview, and added requirePreview property to force preview if wanted - Fix bug with replyUrl in threaded comments and requireAuth Quip 1.2.5 ====================================== - Fix issue where remove comment link was visible for non-authed users - [#3521] Ensure dateFormat is respected in comment preview Quip 1.2.4 ====================================== - [#46] Add check for proper access when deleting/reporting comments via FE - [#44] Prevent HTML tags in non-body fields in comment reply form - [#47] Clean up default HTML in tpls Quip 1.2.3 ====================================== - Fixed bug in QuipRSS when using type of thread or family - Added Multi language support for QuipRSS - Added parameter &pagetitle to QuipRSS snippet to override the quip.latest.pagetitle placeholder which is empty when a thread has no comments. - [#40] Added &authorTpl to allow for a Chunk to change the display of the Author name - Do not send thread notification email to poster of comment - Allow ability to change email from name via quip.emails_from_name setting - [#39] Fixed issue with removeThreshold not working, as well as isModerator always failing - [#38] Added &requireUsergroups to restrict commenting to specific usergroups - Added semicolon to htmlentity right-bracket replace in replies Quip 1.2.2 ====================================== - Fixed security vulnerability Quip 1.2.1 ====================================== - Updated for Revolution 2.0.5 Access Policy changes Quip 1.2.0 ====================================== - [#30] Added interoperability support for getPage - [#33] Added setting to set emails from name - [#34] Fixed bug with sorting and pagination - [#35] Added contexts property to QuipLatestComments to allow filtering by context - [#28] Updated recaptcha server URLs to new Google URLs - [#3] Added QuipRss snippet for easy RSS feeds from threads or users - Added ability to select multiple comments in mgr to approve/unapprove/delete/undelete/remove - Added ability to select multiple threads in mgr to truncate/remove - [#26] Fixed issue where manager url was sent from context when quip was used in subcontexts - [#27] Added ability to completely remove threads in mgr Quip 1.1.2 ====================================== - Fixed issue where tpls for pagination were being ignored - Fixed issue with sorting of threads in mgr Quip 1.1.1 ====================================== - Fixed bug with quipComment::makeUrl method and its callers Quip 1.1.0 ====================================== - Fixed bug with font-style in web css - Allow QuipCount to take 'user,thread' to simultaneously find all comments by a user in a thread - Added "family" option to QuipCount - Added theme ability to recaptcha with recaptchaTheme property on QuipReply - Added "family" option to QuipLatestComments - Added QuipResourceCleaner plugin, which removes threads when their Resource has been removed Quip 1.0.2 ====================================== - Fixed bug with allowRemove parameter - Fixed bug with ago filter in QuipLatestComments snippet - Fixed bug where request parameters werent persisting on links in quip comments - Fixed issue where thread was not retrieved before form processing - Fixed issue with GET params in approved request - Restructured elements in package, cleaned up old files Quip 1.0.1 ====================================== - Properly redid ol/li support to properly nest tags - Removed form tag in comment tpl Quip 1.0.0 ====================================== - Added pagination support via the &limit property, as well as other templating options within pagination - Now no longer any need to mirror calls in QuipReply in threaded comments; pulls from original QuipReply call on source page - Added direct moderation links from emails - Fixed bug with batch deleting in comments grid - Added dontModerateManagerUsers property to QuipReply that defaults to true which skips moderation for users logged into mgr - Added disableRecaptchaWhenLoggedIn property to QuipReply that defaults to true which skips recaptcha for logged in users - Comments are now threaded properly with ol/li tags Quip 0.5.2 ====================================== - Added placeholderPrefix property to Quip, QuipLatestComments - Added toPlaceholder property to Quip, QuipLatestComments, QuipCount - Added quipRssComment, quipRssContainer chunk for RSS comment feed - Added pagetitle placeholder to Quip, QuipLatestComments iterative tpls that displays thread's resource pagetitle - Added search to comments grid - Made snippet properties i18n Quip 0.5.1 ====================================== - Added Russian translation - Added "Latest Comments" tab to mgr ui - [#ADDON-153] Replace MODx tags with entities in comments - Properly format improper website fields Quip 0.5.0 ====================================== - Added gravatar support, fixed bug with IP setting, gravatar settings - Fixed bug with migration and moderator group - Fixed final bugs with lexicons, thread syncing, prepared for 0.5.0-rc2 release - Adjusted build script, prepared release, fixed bugs with moderator names - Fixed bugs with multiple Quip instances, allow for batch perm removes in UI, add copyright info - Automatically convert URLs to hyperlinks. Toggleable, defaults to on. - Added &closeAfter property to Quip/QuipReply snippets, allowing for auto-closing after X days (defaults to 14) - Added emails for notifications, refactored workflow to ensure new post notifications only are sent post-approval - Added rich UI for managing comments, batch actions on comments - Added a QuipModerationPolicy Access Policy for adding a security layer to comment editing - Added quipThread object to better handle thread-wide properties - Added moderation support to comments - Optimized build script for Revo RC-2 - Added showAnonymousName and anonymousName properties for customization of how to handle anon postings - Refactored comment display to default to username, fallback to name, for comment author names; also specifiable via the nameField property - Refactored comment options, also now allow to toggle report as spam link with allowReportAsSpam property - Added allowRemove property (defaults to false) that toggles the ability to remove own comments - Fixed incorrect if statement that prevented commenting when requireAuth was set to true - Added missing auth line that prevented requireAuth parameter from working in QuipReply snippet Quip 0.4 ====================================== - Updated readme for 0.4pl release - Added nested threading support - Extrapolated the reply form into a new snippet, quipReply, and adjusted properties accordingly - Adjusted CSS styles to be more muted - Fixed incorrect default property for QuipLatestComments snippet - Fixed bugs with redirects and url mapping - Added QuipLatestComments snippet - Added resource mapping for comments so that they can have URLs generated for them for linking purposes - Fixed bug with notification username not being sent - Fixed formatting on notification email - Fixed bug with notification emails that prevented correct data to be emailed - Added anchor tag to preview post so that it scrolls correctly on preview - Added missing recaptcha property info to quip snippet properties - Added reCaptcha support, settings - Cleaned up processors for mgr ui - Added notifications ability to comments, allowing commentors to subscribe to the thread - Tweaked default css, markup - Added notifyEmails property, which sends notification email for new posts to emails specified in property - Added nl2br to comments Quip 0.3 ====================================== - Fixed issues where Quip could only be run once on a page, now can be run multiple times - Fixed bugs where quip wasn't prefilling fields for logged in users - Fixed bug in build script setup options handler - Fixed typo in model that was causing install errors - Fixed placeholders in quipComments chunk - Added in fields to mgr ui for editing name,website,email in comments - Fixed connector for mgr ui - Fixing build script - Added in spam filtering via StopForumSpam - Added name, email, website fields - Changed default behavior to not require authorization unless &requireAuth=`1` - Added in missing lexicon entry - Fixed bugs in build script - Refactored build script - Added QuipCount snippet, an assistance snippet for counting comments in threads or by user - Added tag stripping support with setting to set which tags to strip - Added many, many options to the Quip snippet - Refactored to not use Javascript - Created changelog